Tuesday 3 March 2015

Rep. Jason Chaffetz's Business Card Lists His Gmail Address

Hillary Clinton isn’t the only official who uses a non-government email address.

A business card obtained by ABC News shows that Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, lists his Gmail address on his official House card.

After it was revealed on Tuesday that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton conducted all of her government business from personal email accounts, personal email has been the topic du jour, and Chaffetz is at the forefront.

Hillary Clinton's State Department Email: What We Know About Her Use of a Private Account

Chaffetz, who chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, announced Tuesday that his panel would join in an investigation of Clinton’s email use.

PHOTO: Rep. Jason Chaffetzs, R-Utah, House business card lists a Gmail email address.

ABC News

PHOTO: Rep. Jason Chaffetz's, R-Utah, House business card lists a Gmail email address.

“Violations of the Federal Records Act within federal agencies is something we take very seriously,” Chaffetz said Tuesday in a statement. “The House Oversight Committee will work with [Rep. Trey] Gowdy and the Select Committee on Benghazi to further explore Hillary Clinton’s use of personal emails while at the State Department.”

Chaffetz's office has not responded to requests for comment from ABC News.



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