Tuesday 3 March 2015

Hillary Clinton Steers Clear of One Controversy but Wades Into Another


On a day when Hillary Clinton was battered by stories surrounding her reliance on a private email account during her four-year tenure at the State Department, the former secretary of state managed to completely avoid the controversy du jour.

But at a Tuesday night event, she did weigh in on another important issue: the infamous white and gold/ blue and black dress that recently took social media by storm.

“Now, I want to answer one question right at the start before it stirs up . People have read a lot of different things into my pantsuits,” Clinton quipped. “Despite what you might think, this outfit is not actually white and gold.”

Speaking to one of the friendliest possible audiences -- at an event sponsored by the pro-Democrat, pro-women PAC Emily’s List -- the likely 2016 presidential candidate vowed to “beat this drum as long and as loud as it takes” to pass policies like paid family leave and equal pay for women.

“We’ve heard Republicans try to sing out of the same hymnal, talking about income inequality – it’s like watching the end of ‘Casablanca,’” Clinton lamented.

The former First Lady, who admitted she was “still kind of in the grandmother glow” following the birth of her granddaughter, Charlotte, addressed 2016 speculation only indirectly:

“Along life’s way, you get the chance to make millions of decisions. Some of them are big, like, do you run for office?” she said, to tumultuous applause.

“Others are even bigger,” she continued, “like the ones that Gabby Giffords and her husband, Mark, confronted, like, what do you do when a murderer attacks you and you survive?”

(Former Rep. Gabby Giffords, D-Ariz., who took a bullet to the head during a 2011 shooting in Tucson, was in attendance.)

“Don’t you someday want to see a woman president?” Clinton teased the audience.

And based on their response, it's safe to say their answer was yes.

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